Unhealthy time use is likely the most relevant modifiable behavioural and lifestyle risk factor, responsible for more deaths worldwide than, for example, smoking and obesity. Time-use epidemiology is the study of determinants, incidence, distributions, and effects of health-related time-use patterns in populations, and methods for preventing unhealthy time-use patterns and achieving the optimal distribution of time for population health, where good health is considered as complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not only as the absence of disease and frailty.
The aim of the International Network of Time-Use Epidemiologists (INTUE) is to draw together researchers and other public health stakeholders interested in advancing the field of time-use epidemiology. The Network was established as an international forum for experts in epidemiology and related fields to connect, communicate, raise issues, strategize, and strengthen collaborative research on health-related components of time use and ways to promote healthy time use in populations.
Specific objectives of the Network are to:
- Increase capacity for collaborative research and health promotion in time-use epidemiology;
- Facilitate transfer of research findings and other information between its members;
- Support translation of knowledge about health-related components of time use into public health practice;
- Provide a platform for its members to gain knowledge about research and health-promotion methods specific to the field of time-use epidemiology;
- Help build partnerships between its members when applying for competitive grants;
- Expand possibilities for organising meetings, workshops, and conferences on time-use epidemiology;
- Recognise and honour excellence and outstanding achievements in time-use epidemiology.