General info
INTUE organises annual conferences, to facilitate the dissemination of relevant research findings and establishing collaborations between time-use epidemiologists. We strive to provide highly relevant and interesting academic programme and ample time for networking.
The participation in the conferences is not restricted to INTUE members. However, if the number of people interested in attending the conference is greater than the maximum number of participants, INTUE members are prioritised.
We aim to organise the conferences at no or low cost for the participants. For the INTUE 2019 conference, we managed to secure enough external funding so that we did not have to charge participation fees. We will do our best to continue this practice at the future conferences.
We support academic diversity. At our conferences, everyone is given equal opportunity to participate, present, and chair the sessions, regardless of their academic title, stage in the career, country of origin, and mother tongue.
Join us at the next INTUE Conference!
2019 Annual Meeting and Conference of INTUE
The 2019 Annual Meeting and Conference of the International Network of Time-Use Epidemiologists (INTUE) took place 8-10 June 2019 in Olomouc, Czech Republic. It was attended by 31 academics from 13 countries. The participation in the conference was per invitation only.
The event was organised by INTUE and hosted by Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic. It was co-funded by Catalyst: Seeding grant from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi. The organisation of the conference was supported by Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand and Institute for Health and Sport (iHeS), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
The conference programme included keynote addresses by Associate Professor Karel Hron and Professor Timothy Olds, leading experts in compositional data analysis and time-use epidemiology. Additionally, there was a total of 16 other invited research presentations that fit within the framework for Viable Integrative Research in Time-Use Epidemiology (VIRTUE). The Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts can be downloaded here.
2020 Annual Meeting and Conference of INTUE
The INTUE 2020 Conference will take place from 22nd to 24th of June, 2020 in Queenstown, New Zealand (22nd – welcome dinner, 23rd – annual meeting and conference, and 24th – social events and teambuilding). Save the date. More information coming soon. To receive regular updates about the forthcoming conference, follow us on Twitter @INTUE_ or Facebook!